Source code for panoptes_client.exportable

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import datetime
import time

import requests

from panoptes_client.panoptes import (


talk = Talk()

[docs]class Exportable(object): """ Abstract class containing methods for generating and downloading data exports. """
[docs] def get_export( self, export_type, generate=False, wait=False, wait_timeout=None, ): """ Downloads a data export over HTTP. Returns a file-like object containing the content of the export. - **export_type** is a string specifying which type of export should be downloaded. - **generate** is a boolean specifying whether to generate a new export and wait for it to be ready, or to just download the latest export. - **wait** is a boolean specifying whether to wait for an in-progress export to finish, if there is one. Has no effect if ``generate`` is ``True``. - **wait_timeout** is the number of seconds to wait if ``wait`` is ``True``. Has no effect if ``wait`` is ``False`` or if ``generate`` is ``True``. Example:: classification_export = Project(1234).get_export('classifications') for row in csv.DictReader(classification_export): print(row) """ if generate: self.generate_export(export_type) if generate or wait: export = self.wait_export(export_type, wait_timeout) else: export = self.describe_export(export_type) if export_type in TALK_EXPORT_TYPES: media_url = export['data_requests'][0]['url'] else: media_url = export['media'][0]['src'] return requests.get(media_url, stream=True)
[docs] def wait_export( self, export_type, timeout=None, ): """ Blocks until an in-progress export is ready. - **export_type** is a string specifying which type of export to wait for. - **timeout** is the maximum number of seconds to wait. If ``timeout`` is given and the export is not ready by the time limit, :py:class:`.PanoptesAPIException` is raised. """ success = False if timeout: end_time = + datetime.timedelta( seconds=timeout ) while (not timeout) or ( < end_time): export_description = self.describe_export( export_type, ) if export_type in TALK_EXPORT_TYPES: export_metadata = export_description['data_requests'][0] else: export_metadata = export_description['media'][0]['metadata'] if export_metadata.get('state', '') in ('ready', 'finished'): success = True break time.sleep(2) if not success: raise PanoptesAPIException( '{}_export not ready within {} seconds'.format( export_type, timeout ) ) return export_description
[docs] def generate_export(self, export_type): """ Start a new export. - **export_type** is a string specifying which type of export to start. Returns a :py:class:`dict` containing metadata for the new export. """ if export_type in TALK_EXPORT_TYPES: return talk.post_data_request( 'project-{}'.format(, export_type.replace('talk_', '') ) return self.http_post( self._export_path(export_type), json={"media": {"content_type": "text/csv"}}, )[0]
[docs] def describe_export(self, export_type): """ Fetch metadata for an export. - **export_type** is a string specifying which type of export to look up. Returns a :py:class:`dict` containing metadata for the export. """ if export_type in TALK_EXPORT_TYPES: return talk.get_data_request( 'project-{}'.format(, export_type.replace('talk_', '') )[0] return self.http_get( self._export_path(export_type), )[0]
def _export_path(self, export_type): return '{}/{}_export'.format(, export_type)